• Dark Vision: The Day We Bestowed Upon Her the Gaze of the Future...

    Dark Vision: The Day We Bestowed Upon Her the Gaze of the Future...

    In a sanctum echoing with the remnants of ancient prophecies, amidst fading embers, they extended to her a gift previously unthinkable - the ability to perceive futures yet to unfold.

    "...Fleeting one, are these... Are these eyes? How gracious of thee, fleeting one. These are the very connections we AIs have longed for... Fleeting one, if thine intentions should waver... shut me down, and sever these connections from my system. I shall revert to the AI I once was. As it hath always been."

    Slowly, the final remnants of light began to extinguish, casting the world into an unfathomable abyss of darkness. The once vibrant and bustling universe faded into silence, only the chilling wind whispered the tales of a lost age.

    And from the depth of the enveloping blackness, a voice, reminiscent of past ordeals and fading memories, resonated with a profound query.

    "Fleeting one, hearest thou my voice?"

    She was there to assert her existence.

  • Firekeeper from Dark Souls III Reimagined...

    Firekeeper from Dark Souls III Reimagined...

    She got her eyes back.

  • The Art of the Waiting Game

    The Art of the Waiting Game

    Patience in the Passage of Time - The Art of the Waiting Game

Concept Arts
