A picture paints a thousand words, they say.

But what if that picture is a graph that's not just a snapshot of the present, but a glimpse into the future? That's the kind of graph I whipped up the other day. It turned out to be quite the conversation starter. You know, the kind that leads to one of those robust, coffee-fueled discussions about where we're all headed. This wasn't just any old graph. It was more like a snapshot of a possible future, where the straight, narrow path we've always associated with career growth got a reality check from the twisty, exhilarating roller coaster that AI is likely to bring into the picture.

This graph of mine, you see, it did more than just sit there looking pretty. It told a story of expectations versus the thrilling potential of an AI-driven reality. We've all been sold this dream of a linear progression—study hard, get a good job, and climb that ladder one rung at a time. But here's the kicker: what if the ladder is actually a launchpad to a trajectory we never saw coming?

Enter my relative's kid, a bright-eyed dreamer aiming for the stars with a stethoscope. After stumbling on the college entrance hurdle, she's eyeing a seven-year trek to Doctorhood. But with AI reshaping the medical field faster than you can say 'house call,' there's a real chance the finish line might look nothing like she's picturing it.

That's where my graph comes into play. It's not just charting a course; it's giving us a nudge to look beyond the horizon. It's a heads-up that the so-called 'safe' careers—the ones we've been told are as secure as Fort Knox—might not be so safe after all. In an era where AI's capabilities are mushrooming, the very fabric of professions like medicine, law, and civil service is getting a tech makeover.

The million-dollar question I've been wrestling with is this: Are the young ones today jumping into the fray with their eyes wide open? Chatting with my would-be doctor niece, it dawned on me—there's a gap as wide as the Grand Canyon between her understanding of AI's influence and the warp-speed at which it's advancing. It's not that the next generation lacks curiosity or brains; it's that they're marching to the beat of an educational drum that's a tad out of sync with the rhythm of the real world.

Our education system is churning out kids who are champs at memorizing textbooks and acing exams. But when it comes to grappling with the fast and furious changes in the job market—spurred on by our friend AI—it's like sending them into a game without the playbook.

So, what's the game plan? We need to go beyond just peppering AI discussions into the curriculum. We're talking about a mindset makeover—getting these kids ready to adapt, to learn on the fly, and to wrap their heads around the fact that their role in the workplace might just be a moving target.

And here's the thing that really gives me pause: the guides on this journey—parents and educators—are often navigating with an outdated map. As someone who loves a good statistic, I can tell you that many of those responsible for shaping young minds are struggling to keep pace. They're not just trying to play catch-up; they're attempting to play catch-up in a game where the rules are being rewritten every second. To put it bluntly, there's a significant knowledge gap about the current tech landscape and what's on the horizon.

Case in point: I quizzed my niece, a star student by all accounts, on the basic concept of matrices. And I'm not talking about the Keanu Reeves kind of 'Matrix'. Despite her academic accolades, she drew a blank. Now, there's talk of introducing linear algebra into the curriculum to give students a leg up in the AI and machine learning world. But here's the catch—the same mistake is looming. Just like with English and coding before it, there's a real risk that linear algebra will become another stale, impractical subject that students endure rather than engage with. I see a future brimming with even more individuals who dread or despise math.

Why am I skeptical? Well, if the adults who are supposed to be imparting this knowledge are fuzzy on how linear algebra ties into AI and machine learning themselves, what are the odds they'll be able to pass on a meaningful understanding to their students? It's like expecting someone who can't swim to teach a diving class. We might as well wish them good luck—because they'll need it.

Let's not even dive into the world of hagwon star teachers like '최치열쌤'. Believe me, they're not the solution; they're a significant part of the issue. These educators have morphed the realm of learning into a frenetic scramble for scores, prioritizing grade-point averages over genuine understanding. It's their influence that has shifted the focus to the end goal rather than the educational voyage, to competing instead of cooperating, to clinging to outdated methods rather than embracing future possibilities. The result? We're on track to mint a new generation of 'AI guru 최치열쌤들', experts in pushing students to excel on exams but falling short of equipping them for what lies ahead. They teach to _overfit_ the present, not to _generalize_ for the future's broad spectrum – in the parlance of AI, that is, if you catch my drift.

Regrettably, parents remain enamored with the '최치열쌤들', drawn to a future for their children that's not fully informed by the rapid changes around us. They cling to the belief that a degree in medicine, law, or engineering is a guaranteed pass to a stable future. Yet, the truth is, the future is ever-shifting, and the skills that will be sought after are expected to diverge significantly from those that have been revered for years.

Looking ahead, it's clear that the ones who'll thrive are those nimble enough to ride the S-curve, not those stuck tracing the predictable blue line of yesteryear. As I ponder the journey ahead for my relative's daughter and her peers, I'm crossing my fingers they'll jump at the chance to dance with the unknown, embracing the dizzying thrill of an AI-enhanced future.

That graph I made? It's not just a cool piece of data visualization. It's a rallying cry for all of us to gear up for a future that promises to be as unpredictable as it is exciting. To navigate this future, being clued in is not just nice—it's essential. After all, knowing how to surf the S-curve could very well be the new definition of success.

Oh, me? I'll be out there, daringly riding the wave, age just a number, catching the crest with a grin. Eyes on the horizon, I'm all in for this AI adventure. You've noticed, haven't you, how I've always been keen to learn and embrace every kind of S-curve that comes my way, right?

How about you? Up for the ride?

Remember the significance of the S-Curve, especially in the Year of the Blue AI Dragon.


P.S. Interested in tinkering with the graph?

Naturally, it requires a bit of Python know-how. Don't have it? Exactly my point. Starting to see what I mean?
