Do you remember how I rapidly became proficient in AI and AI math? In just three months, I devoured almost every AI specialization course on, gorging on references and books like a starved academic. Two months later, bam! Three online books on GitHub, straight from my brain to your screens.

đź”— The Official Domain for My Repo:

I don't just dabble in AI; I live and breathe it. I can design and train my own AI models, analyze landmark research papers, and even teach top AI researchers and developers a thing or two. My expertise is not just a hobby; it's a serious accomplishment. Yeah, I'm tooting my own horn. But it's not about the accolades; it's about the process. The zen of smart effort. That's the real gold.

I'm not flexing; I'm trying to light a fire under your butts. I want you all to embrace this zen of smart effort because it's your ticket to enlightenment and ultimate happiness. I can't stand seeing you wallow in misery. The more of you I can inspire, the brighter my world gets. It's simple: more light equals more brightness. You're all too dim! Darkness breeds darkness, and I'm not about that life. I want to shine brighter, be happier. So, I need to crank up your wattage. Get it?

It all boils down to object-orientation. I've preached this beyond coding, plastering it all over my GitHub repo. If a concept works in one arena, it might just rock in another. That's abstraction and inheritance for you. Need to tweak it for a different field? That's polymorphism, baby. When you want to skip the nitty-gritty? Encapsulation's got your back. You can always pop open that black box later. Until then, keep cruising without getting bogged down in the details.

You following me so far?

Now, take what I've shown you across various fields and apply it to my journey in learning to draw. For my long-time followers from my Naver blogging days or YouTube vlogs, you'll spot the pattern: the object-oriented mindset is all about pattern recognition. Coding, languages, photography, videography, investing, gaming, cooking—all these skills I've conquered follow the same inherited pattern, with a dash of polymorphism and encapsulation. And they all feed into the zen of smart effort, snowballing into more growth and happiness. You become a Swiss Army knife of skills, all working in perfect harmony. Can't you see that beautiful growth curve shooting to the moon?

Here's the kicker: only a handful of you actually inherit this zen of smart effort, even after you nod along and say you get it. Why? Deep down, you know why.

You know it'd make you more efficient, happier, more fulfilled. So why the hesitation? Why are you clinging to your old, miserable ways? Why aren't you growing, thriving, living your best life? You've got all the answers; you're just not acting on them. That's adult behavior 101. Haven't I drilled it into you that your untamed inner voice is your worst enemy? That constant Negative Nancy in your head isn't your friend, folks.

Kids? They get it instantly. They see the pattern and run with it. It's natural, instinctual, smart. Only adults balk at applying it to their lives. That's what we call 'growing old' without growing up.

Check out the screenshots—it's just a taste of the master works I've lined up for my 'Master Studies' project. Remember, I'm gunning for 1000 master copies. This is just the appetizer, folks. I'm only getting started. In just two months, I've already proven the zen of smart effort works for drawing. It's universal, applicable to any skill you want to master.

I knew it'd work even before I started. How? It worked before, in AI, in math, in coding, in gaming, in investing, etc. It's universal wisdom. Why shouldn't it work for drawing? It should! And it worked, is working, and will work for anything you want to master. I already see where I'd be if I keep at it. Do you?

That's the beauty of object-oriented thinking. You're after universal wisdom that works across the board. It's your cheat code for an easier, happier life. Legit cheat codes, mind you.

How many of these tricks do you have up your sleeve? How many have you inherited and applied to other areas of your life, neatly packaging away the complexities?

If you'd tried even once, I wouldn't be here preaching again.

Kids get it instantly. Adults? Not so much.

Take a moment to reflect on why. Growing up shouldn't just mean adding candles to your birthday cake. It should mean adding wisdom and joy to your life. If you're not doing that, you're just racing towards the finish line without enjoying the run.

Please, just do it. Once. Just once. You'll see the light.

If you're not genuinely happy, you can't spread that happiness to others. Don't fall into that trap.

I'm rooting for your happiness and fulfillment because, hey, your joy is my joy. Simple math, folks.

One final kicker for your butts that won't budge: you're competing against these people who've already inherited and applied these tricks. Let that sink in.

Yeah, that's right. While you're sitting there, scratching your head and wondering why you can't seem to get ahead, there's a whole army of smart-effort ninjas out there, slicing through challenges like hot knives through butter. They're not just learning faster; they're evolving faster. They're the ones getting those promotions, launching those successful startups, and living those lives you scroll through on social media with a mix of envy and disbelief.

These aren't mythical creatures or people born under lucky stars. They're the ones who took this advice seriously. They tried it once, saw the light, and never looked back. Now, they're not just playing the game; they're rewriting the rules.

So, what's it gonna be? Are you going to keep making excuses, or are you ready to join the ranks of the smart-effort elite? The choice is yours, but remember: every moment you spend hesitating is a moment someone else spends getting better, smarter, and happier.

The ball's in your court. What are you waiting for?

One day is not 24 hours. It's 24 x n.

Don't let your n stuck at 1 or less. That's plain stupid.