Abundance kills want and desire.

Don't fulfill your kids' wants to the brim. That might turn out to be the worst thing parents can do to their children.

One's want, when fulfilled by another, can easily become the other's want.

True desire is rekindled when wants are fulfilled by oneself. That's the only way to make it genuine.

Want is a seed. Desire is a tree. Abundance is a forest. Fulfillment by others is a forest fire.

Now, reconsider this:

"When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it." - Paulo Coelho

'Want' and 'Help' are the keywords here. When there's no want, there's no need for help. Want is essentially a cry for help. Something void needs to be filled. That's the essence of want: a void. Maxed out, no want, no void, no need for help.

And, help if there's want. Don't push. That's a sign you want your want fulfilled, not theirs. Help is a two-way street. It's not a one-way ticket to your desire.

Sayings and advice are like a double-edged sword. If you don't understand the essence, you might cut yourself and even your loved ones.

That's the start of admitting you don't know. Ignorance. That's the start of growing wisdom. The end of wisdom is the beginning of ignorance. It's a cycle.

Ignorance is a form of want. Getting wiser is a form of desire. Knowledge and its internalization is a form of abundance. When you're full, you find another void to fill. Your ignorance in so many things. That's the cycle of life.

Now, reconsider:

"Know thyself." - Socrates

You are full of voids.