• # CWK0249 - 1Q84, Book3, Chapter1 - Ushikawa

    CWK0249 - 1Q84, Book3, Chapter1 - Ushikawa

    1Q84, 村上春樹(Haruki Murakami, 무라카미 하루키)

    第1章 - 牛河 - 意識の遠い縁を蹴るもの
    Chapter 1 - Ushikawa - Something Kicking At The Far Edges Of Consciousness
    第一章 - 牛河 - 冲击意识的遥远边缘
    제1장 - 우시카와 - 의식의 저 먼 가장자리를 걷어차는 것


    If Aomame isn’t found, it could be bad for both of us, Buzzcut had said.


    아오마메를 찾지 못 하면 서로 간에 난처한 일이 벌어질 수도 있다, 고 스킨헤드는 말했다.

    • Tools used: Wacom Cintiq Pro 27", Photoshop, Stable Diffusion, Dalle-3, Leonardo, Midjourney, Magnific.
  • # CWK0251 - 1Q84, Book3, Chapter2 - Aomame

    CWK0251 - 1Q84, Book3, Chapter2 - Aomame

    1Q84, 村上春樹(Haruki Murakami, 무라카미 하루키)

    第2章 - 青豆 - ひとりぼっちではあるけれど孤独ではない
    Chapter 2 - Aomame - Alone, But Not Lonely
    第二章 - 青豆 - 孤身一人,却不孤单
    제2장 - 아오마메 - 외톨이지만 고독하지는 않아

    "あんたの言うとおりだよ。そいつは確かだ。ただし希望は数が少なく、おおかた抽象的だが、試練はいやというほどあって、おおかた具象的だ。" - タマル

    Wherever there’s hope there’s a trial. You’re exactly right. Absolutely. Hope, however, is limited, and generally abstract, while there are countless trials, and they tend to be concrete.” - Tamaru

    "希望之处必有试炼。 如同你说的那样。这话很对。希望的数量极少且抽象。试炼却多到可怕,而且十分具体。" - Tamaru

    "희망이 있는 곳에는 반드시 시련이 있다. 맞는 말이야. 단지 희망은 수가 적고 대부분 추상적이지만, 시련은 지긋지긋할 만큼 많고 대부분 구체적이지." - 다마루

    Tools Used

    Wacom Cintiq Pro 27", Photoshop, Stable Diffusion, Dalle-3, Leonardo, Midjourney, Magnific.

  • # CWK0253 - 1Q84, Book3, Chapter3 - Tengpo

    CWK0253 - 1Q84, Book3, Chapter3 - Tengpo

    1Q84, 村上春樹(Haruki Murakami, 무라카미 하루키)

    第3章 - 天吾 - みんな獣が洋服を着て
    Chapter 3 - Tengo - The Animals All Wore Clothes
    第三章 - 天吾 - 都是衣冠禽兽
    제3장 - 덴고 - 다들 짐승이 옷을 차려 입고

    あの空気さなぎはまたここに現れるのだろうか? 時間は本当に直線のかたちをしているのだろうか?

    Would that air chrysalis ever appear here again? Was time really a straight line?

    那只空气蛹还会再次出现吗? 时间真的是直线形态的吗?

    그 공기 번데기는 다시 이곳에 나타날까. 시간은 정말 짓선의 형태를 갖고 있는 것일까.

    Tools Used

    Wacom Cintiq Pro 27", Photoshop, Stable Diffusion, Dalle-3, Leonardo, Midjourney, Magnific.


    第3章 - 天吾 - みんな獣が洋服を着て
    Chapter 3 - Tengo - The Animals All Wore Clothes
    第三章 - 天吾 - 都是衣冠禽兽
    제3장 - 덴고 - 다들 짐승이 옷을 차려 입고

    The chapter title is evocative of fables or children's stories, adding an additional layer of meaning to the text. It's important to note that the title is likely metaphorical, not literal. It doesn't suggest people wearing animal skins but rather implies people behaving like animals despite outward appearances of civility—a common literary device.

    In Japanese and Korean, "みんな(다들)" carries an exclamatory quality that goes beyond a simple "all." It might be better understood as "all those animals" or "all those people" in English, conveying a sense of emphasis or surprise. Without the cultural context, this nuance might be lost in translation. Both Koreans and Japanese often use "다들" and "みんな" to express a collective sense of "everyone" or "all," similar to "you people, blah blah blah."

    The Chinese translation, "都是衣冠禽兽," meaning "all are animals in human clothes," takes a more direct approach. This literal translation effectively conveys the core meaning of the original text, though it may not capture all the nuances.

    Each language presents unique challenges and opportunities in translation. While Chinese may face certain difficulties in conveying subtle nuances from other languages, it's important to note that all languages have their own strengths and challenges in translation.

    The English translation, "The Animals All Wore Clothes," while seemingly straightforward, does carry connotations of fables and children's stories. This adds a subtle layer of meaning that enriches the interpretation of the title.

    However, 洋服, "옷을 차려 입고", and "衣冠" in all three Asian languages don't simply mean "clothes" but rather "Western-style clothes" or "formal attire." This distinction is important as it suggests a specific type of clothing that contrasts with the animalistic behavior described in the title. The English translation, "wore clothes," while accurate, may not fully capture this cultural nuance.

    Overall, this title and its various translations offer an interesting case study in the complexities of translating metaphorical language and cultural nuances across different linguistic contexts.

  • # CWK0255 - 1Q84, Book3, Chapter4 - Ushikawa

    CWK0255 - 1Q84, Book3, Chapter4 - Ushikawa

    1Q84, 村上春樹(Haruki Murakami, 무라카미 하루키)

    第4章 - 牛河 - オッカムの剃刀
    Chapter 4 - Ushikawa - Occam's Razor
    第4章 - 牛川 - 奥康的剃刀
    제4장 - 우시카와 - 오컴의 면도날


    Ushikawa had some strong points: his sharp sense of smell and his tenaciousness. He would never let go of something once he latched onto it.


    예리한 후각과 한번 달라붙으면 결코 놓지 않는 강한 끈기가 우시카와의 재산이다.

    Tools Used

    Wacom Cintiq Pro 27", Photoshop, Stable Diffusion, Dalle-3, Leonardo, Midjourney, Magnific.

  • # CWK0256 - 1Q84, Book3, Chapter5 - Aomame

    CWK0256 - 1Q84, Book3, Chapter5 - Aomame

    1Q84, 村上春樹(Haruki Murakami, 무라카미 하루키)

    第5章 - 青豆 - どれだけ息をひそめていても
    Chapter 5 - Aomame - No Matter How Long You Keep Quiet
    第五章 - 青豆 - 无论如何屏息静气
    제5장 - 아오마메 - 아무리 숨을 죽이고 있어도

    彼はもう少しで手が届くところにいたのだ。 そしてこの次には、私の伸ばした手は実際に彼に届くかもしれない。...天吾くん、あなたはどこにいるの? 早く私を見つけ出して。誰かが私を見つけ出す前に。

    He was almost within reach. Maybe if I hold out my hand the next time, I really will be able to reach him... Tengo, where are you? Find me now. Before someone else does.

    他已就在触手可及的地方。 不久之后,也许我一伸手就能真正碰到他。... 天吾君,你在哪里呢。快些找到我吧。在别人找到我之前。

    그는 조금만 더 손을 내밀면 닿을 곳에 있었다. 그리고 이 다음에는 내가 내민 손이 정말 그에게 가 닿을지도 모른다... 덴고, 너는 어디 있어? 빨리 나를 찾아줘. 다른 누군가 나를 찾기 전에.

  • # CWK0258 - 1Q84, Book3, Chapter6 - Nurse Omura

    CWK0258 - 1Q84, Book3, Chapter6 - Nurse Omura

    大村看護婦/Nurse Omura

    1Q84, 村上春樹(Haruki Murakami, 무라카미 하루키)

    第6章 - 天吾 - 親指の疼きでそれとわかる
    Chapter 6 - Tengo - By The Pricking Of My Thumbs
    第六章 - 天吾 - 拇指刺痛时便会知道
    제6장 - 덴고 - 엄지의 욱신거림으로 알게 되는 것

    You are such a kind person, Tengo.
    덴고군은 참 착해.

  • cwk0259-1Q84-Book3-Chapter7-Ushikawa

    CWK0259 - 1Q84, Book3, Chapter7 - The Girl the Bat Sent

    コウモリが送った女/The Girl the Bat Sent

    1Q84, 村上春樹(Haruki Murakami, 무라카미 하루키)

    第7章 - 牛河 - そちらに向かって歩いていく途中だ
    Chapter 7 - Ushikawa - I'm Heading Your Way
    第七章 - 牛河 - 正向你那边走去
    제7장 - 우시카와 - 그쪽으로 걸어가는 중이야


    Everything Ushikawa could see was covered in a gloomy twilight, like an intimation of death. Perhaps this was due to something that woman left behind, he thought. Or perhaps due to something she took away with her.


    가까스로 눈에 비치는 것은 모두, 죽음의 전조 같은 어슴프레한 황혼에 감싸여 있다. 이것도 그 여자가 남기고 간 무언가 때문인지 모른다고 그는 생각했다. 아니면 그 여자가 가져가버린 무언가 때문인지도.

1Q84 Imagined - Book 3, 村上春樹(Haruki Murakami, 무라카미 하루키)